Week 32: My second baby shower

I am very grateful that I have two people in my life who were willing to give me baby showers.  I got to have one that a friend planned for me in Montana before Christmas, and then my younger sister gave one for me here today. I had a few friends from work, both of my sisters, my aunt and twin cousins, Will’s mother, and Will’s sister over today, and it was so much fun.

We don’t really have people over to our house very often. The last time anyone besides one of our family members was here was my sister’s bridal shower in July. We never even had a housewarming party after we moved in. So it was great to have people over, and I’m really grateful that I had so much help. 

My older sister flew in from Montana last night. She helped me out IMMENSELY by cleaning our bathrooms, sweeping, and dusting. My younger sister and her husband came down this morning. They bought all of the food, prepared it, and cleaned up after everyone was done eating. I feel so lucky to have so much help and support.

Everyone got us great stuff for the babies.  There’s so much to get when you’re having only one baby, and you almost have to double it for two. I’m so touched and grateful for everyone’s generosity.

We’re still not ready for the babies’ arrival, but we’re getting closer. We have both of the cribs now, and now we have the money to buy the crib mattresses and sheets.  I think once we have those, we have the necessary items so that we can at least bring the babies home.

The pregnancy is still going pretty well. I am peeing all of the time now. My older sister asked me how many times I pee in a day, and there are really too many to count. But other than that, and my decreasing mobility, I’m really doing ok. It’s hard to bend down to get things off the floor. And if anything’s on the floor of the car, forget it. I have to be out of the car before I can pick it up. Other than the exercise that I had to give up awhile ago, like running and lifting, I’m still able to do pretty much everything… or anything that I feel like doing, anyway. Today makes it 31 weeks complete, and the start of week 32. I’m very grateful to have made it this far.  The next real “milestone” is 34 weeks complete, but every day makes a difference, and so far the babies haven’t tried to come out. I’m very grateful to have made it this far, and hopefully I’ll be able to keep on going for awhile longer.

I have President’s Day off from school, so I’m hoping to use Sunday and Monday to work on things for school and to start getting my sub plans together. I’m still hoping to make it another six weeks at school, but I know I can’t count on it. So I want to be as prepared as possible.

About Twins Happen

My husband and I learned that we were having twins in October of 2010. I started this blog so that family and friends could follow my pregnancy and the development of our children. I'm continuing to post about my girls, parenting, and trying to balance work, family time, and fitness.
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